- Access the form processing screen by clicking the tools icon the the lower lefthand corner of the screen
- Click a specific task in the task list on the right
- Review specified information in the Employee Details panel on the left side of the popup
- The Access Details portion is a scrollable list. Hover directly over the details and use your scroll wheel to move through the list.
- If you're unsure what the access details mean, click the Open Request icon
to view the full request. This will allow you to check the labels and description for the information provided. You can return to the form processing screen by using the app's back button or clicking the tools icon on the navigation bar.
- Complete the action described by the task
- (Optional) Enter comment
- Change the Task Completed toggle to Yes
- Click the Submit button
- If you complete the final task for a request, a spinner will appear letting you know the request is being closed. Do not click anything until the spinner has disappeared.
- If desired, you can select another task from the request's task list and repeat steps 3-7. Otherwise, click the X to close the popup.
Common Problems
ERROR: "The selected task is not assigned to you."
Each task can only be completed by the people listed as administrators for that system. If you do not have access to a task that you believe you should be able to process, email a screenshot of the entire popup with the task giving you an error to helpdesk@blueridge.edu. (If you're IT staff, contact your supervisor.)
There's no username listed in the SAR.
New users do not have usernames. This has to be added by the AD admin in IT once their account has been created. If you're the AD admin, you can add/update the username by clicking the Open Request icon and using the pencil to edit the username field on the SAR.
I have a task to send the new employee email, but the button isn't clickable.
You will not be able to send the email until the SAR has a valid username. If the account was just created or updated, it could take up to an hour before the information to sync across all of the systems.