IMPORTANT!!!!! Both the Adobe Sign and Gmail connections need to be fixed. Please make sure you are doing both the bullets below or you will receive another error message.

  • All Adobe Sign and Gmail connections must be deleted AND 

  • When you log in, you must be prompted for re-authentication on both the Adobe Sign and the Gmail connectors. If you are not prompted for both, please try another browser or an incognito window.


  1. Logout & close the travel app.
  2. Login to (If you are already logged on to the Insider, it won't prompt you to log in)
  3. There are 2 different ways the 2 connections used in the travel app (Gmail & Adobe Sign) will display.
    1. Under Status it will say "Can't sign in. Fix connection". Click "Fix connection" and follow the prompts (allow, etc.)
    2. If you don't see "Can't sign in. Fix Connection", you will need to delete the existing connection to force the authentication prompt when you login to the Travel app. You only need to delete Gmail and Adobe Sign connections. Don't worry about the others. To delete the connections:
      1. Look for Adobe Acrobat Sign, click the three dots to the right and select "Delete"

        It will give you a list of all the apps using the connections, just click "Delete" again at the bottom.

      2. Look for the Gmail connection with your email address, click the three dots to the right and select "Delete"

        It will give you a list of all the apps using the connections, just click "Delete" again at the bottom.

    3. There is one caveat with deleting the connectors to prompt a reauthentication, there may be more than one Adobe Acrobat Sign or Gmail connector listed. You can delete all Adobe Acrobat Sign and Gmail connections, it will just force a reauthentication in a different app.
    4. Use an incognito browser window to login to the Travel App. You should be prompted to re authenticate Adobe Acrobat Sign and Gmail. If you are not, email

Note: If you have tried to complete your post-travel reimbursement and received the error message, you may have multiple pending Adobe Sign reimbursement forms depending on where the workflow failed. Please email if you continue to receive reimbursement form reminders after you have completed your reimbursement form.