Purpose of this Data Governance Team:
- Increase Collaboration
- Going forward, each member of this should email this Data Governance team (datagov@blueridge.edu) whenever their department is implementing a change to the way they input or process critical data elements in Colleague and related administrative systems.
- For example, if one group receives a NCCCS memo that directs that group to change some data coding value (such as instruction delivery method), please relay that information to this group to ensure everyone is aware.
- It is better to 'over communicate' rather than keep such changes 'siloed' within a single department or division.
- Ensure Data Quality and Consistency:
- Through communication and collaboration, this team will help ensure that the data collected and used by the college is accurate, consistent and compliant
- Coordinate State Reporting
- Please communicate to this group any changes or issues that could or have affected data that is being sent to NCCCS.
- If you receive a notification from NCCCS regarding a data reporting issue, please consider relaying that to this team as those issues might have a broader impact.
Individual Roles Represented On this Team:
- Data Coordinator (Dr. Harrell)
- Dr. Jessica Harrell is the College's official "Data Coordinator".
- In this role, Dr. Harrell ensures groups on campus are aware of upcoming data reporting requirements.
- Dr. Harrell is not an expert on all data elements that we send to the state.
- Data Owners (Dr. Leatherwood, Division VP's)
- Per policy 8.4, the College President is considered the data owner.
- Each Division VP has been delegated data ownership rights for all data that relates to their respective area.
- Data owners and their designees are considered the subject matter experts on their respective data
- System Administrators (Steve Young, James Simmons, Jimmy Stamey (Ferrilli)
- The CIO and IT staff are responsible for the operation and security of the data systems.
- IT staff are NOT authorized to make changes to data without explicit written authorization from data owners
Key Takeaways:
Notify this group if:
- You are changing the way you enter data into Colleague or other administrative systems
- Have been informed of a data reporting issue
- Received a memo directing a change in data entry
- IT staff will continue to notify this group of any system changes such as Colleague patches that could have an affect on data.
In larger organizations, "Data Governance" is a highly formalized process as outlined in this DoE document. Although a major reason for this rebranding is indeed to take steps to better formalize our data management, we are not planning on implementing a full scale "Data Governance" regime at this time.