Common questions, observations, and pitfalls:

  1. Adobe Sign can do the same tasks as Docusign, it's just named different and probably follows a different path to get there.
  2. In My Profile:
    1. Users can set Auto-Delegation to a designated signer while out of the office.
    2. Each user has the ability to share their own account with another user.
    3. Users can set y their signature.
    4. Users can manage the notifications they receive.
  3. Users can toggle between the new form builder and the old form builder using the "Switch to..." link
    1. Use the new form builder whenever possible.
    2. If you need the attachments control in your form, you must use the classic builder as the attachments control is not available in the new form builder, yet. 
  4. Types of "Send"
    1. Ad Hoc - click "Send" in the top navigation. 
      1. Used for unique, one time documents such as contracts
    2. Template - click "Start from Library" in the center of the home screen.
      1. Template must be created first from the "Create a reusable template" button on the home screen
      2. Used for a generic form that can be sent to any user such as the new hire forms.
      3. Find all your templates on the Manage tab under "Templates"
    3. Web Form - must provider users a clickable link for them to initiate the form
      1. Publish a Web Form is the same as a Power Form in Docusign
      2. The Web Form must be created first by clicking the "Publish a web form" button on the home screen.
      3. Build the form as you would any other type and once you save it, a "Copy Web Form URL" option will be given at the top of the screen. Give users that link to submit forms.
      4. Adobe Sign also emails you the link to give to users.
      5. Find all your Web Forms on the Manage tab under "Web Forms"
  5. Fill and sign is different than sending something for signature. If you need to complete information on the document before sending it for signature, please use one of the options below
    1. Fill and sign also gives you the option to switch to Self Sign (Adobe definition and instructions for each are linked)
  6. Refer to the Adobe Sign Guides and Tutorials link for basic how tos. The Beginner Guide section will answer most questions.