Since most of the catalog content is automatically generated based on the information in Curriculum Management, only individuals needing to edit the handbook pages will have access to Catalog Management. This includes Student Services, Marketing, HR, and OFI.

Getting Started

  1. Using your favorite web browser, go to
  2. Login using your full BRCC email address, and your current Active Directory password
    Note: If you are logging in from a new computer or different web browser, you might be prompted with the Microsoft 2-step authentication
  3. If presented with a choice between Curriculum and Catalog, click Catalog
  4. If the header on the left says "Curriculum Manager" instead of "Catalog Manager", click the icon with nine squares image of icon with nine small squares in the upper right and select Catalog

Submitting Changes

  1. Click Pages on the left side of the screen
  2. Verify the desired catalog is showing in the dropdown above the list of pages
  3. Select the desired page from the list
  4. Click Request Changes on the right side of the screen
  5. Fill in a reason for the request
  6. Make any desired changes
  7. Click Submit Request


  1. Click Requests on the left side of the screen
  2. Click Assigned to Me
  3. Click the desired program in the list
  4. If necessary, click Edit Request in the upper right hand corner
  5. Click Approve or Reject on the right side of the screen
  6. Add any desired comments
  7. Click Submit Decision