Please follow the instructions for Pardee computer onboarding.

Access Pardee UNC U number email-this is your login information.

It is REQUIRED to bring all computer access information to all clinicals-everytime, no exceptions!

In a separate email, you will get EID that you will use as your initial password.  

Then, in a third email you will get information about LMS access. This is where all your training will be accessed.


  • You can get to your training by going to, logging in with your UNC credentials and looking for the LMS icon/link. (icon shown above)
  • If above option gives you trouble. Go to Pardee website, scroll to bottom, click on UNC Health Care Citrix Login. It will ask you to down load citrix and Run program.


You will log in with U-number and EID then change password.


Access LMS training site.


Once logged into LMS, do all modules under Timeline, by clicking start button and following instructions.

POP-UP blockers must disabled for these sites!

Once those are completed, access the search function (top of main page of LMS). Then enter inpatient nursing student in that box. And choose Register under the select tab.

Then complete this module entirely. It will have sound and tests you have to take!