Using a current version of a web browser such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge Browser, or Mozilla Firefox, go to:

Log in using your Blue Ridge CC username and password. This should be the same username and password you use to log into your email account, Moodle, your office computer, WebAdvisor and Colleague UI.

The myBlueRidge (aka Colleague Self Service) Main Menu

Notifications: Both students and employees can receive notifications in the MyBlueRidge system. These notifications can cover a variety of important subjects such as: requests by advisee to review their academic plan, holds due to library fines, upcoming deadlines, and availability of tax forms.

Click the Advising Tab to start advising students.

Once you click on the advising tab, you will see an alphabetical list of approximately 10 of your current advisees. Click the show more results or search for a specific student to access any of your advisees.

Title: Advising menu list of students - Description: A screen shot showing a list of students in the advising menu

Once you select a student, you will see a series of tabs:

  • Course Plan
  • Timeline
  • Progress
  • Course Catalog
  • Notes
  • Plan Archive
  • Test scores
  • Unofficial Transcript / Grades

Title: Advising Student View - Description: A screen shot showing the initial view of a single student within the Advising menu of MyBlueRidge.

Course Plan

Click on the Course Plan tab to see the student’s course history and plan. The Course Plan screen appears initially in ‘List view’ showing a chart of the classes in which the student is currently enrolled. If nothing appears, then that student is not currently enrolled in any classes. This would be the case for a new student as well as students who have not taken classes in at least three semesters.

Title: Course Plan view - Description: A screen shot showing the course plan. The view also includes small text boxes that point to the specific locations where the items A - E below are explained.

  1. Scrolling through the student’s plan is as easy as clicking on the left and right arrows; Clicking the left arrow shows previous courses the student registered for. If the left arrow is grayed out, then there are no previous courses. Clicking the right arrow shows courses that the student is planning to take. If the right arrow is grayed out, then there are no future semesters on the student’s plan yet;
  2. To add future semesters to a student’s plan, click on the + button. Select the desired semester from the pull-down menu to add to the student’s plan; then click Add Term.
  3. Click the Calendar icon to switch to a calendar view that shows the student’s academic week; This is helpful in the process of selecting sections for registration.
  4. This Course Plan window also clearly shows the student’s credit information; Planned credits lets you know whether the student has entered a plan and, if so, how much has been planned. Enrolled credits includes all credits for which the student enrolled in the current semester. NOTE: This number includes classes the student has completed (in the case of mini-sessions) as well as classes from which the student has been withdrawn. These courses will be listed as “Completed” because the student has a grade for the course, whether it is successful completion or not. You will also see the number of credits for which the student is waitlisted if registration is currently underway.
  5. The current semester’s classes in which the student is enrolled will show in a list. If the student is not currently enrolled, nothing will be listed. If the student planned to take a class in the current semester but did not register for it, that class will be listed as Planned. NOTE: If a student completed a class in the current semester (in the case of mini-session) or was withdrawn from a class in the current semester, these will display as “Completed” courses because the student has a grade for the course, whether it is successful completion or not.


The Timeline gives a visual perspective of what the courses the student has registered for each semester as well as what the student plans to do in future semesters. If the student is currently enrolled in classes, the current semester will be positioned on the left with future semesters to the right and previous semesters accessible by clicking on the left arrow on the left of the window. You can also see term GPA for completed semesters as well as totals of enrolled and planned credits each semester.

Title: Timeline view - Description: A screen shot showing the timeline view of a single student.


The Progress tab allows a more comprehensive view of the student’s progress through their chosen program. You will be able to scroll through Progress reports for a student who has more than one program on record (i.e. Continuing Education and a Diploma or Associate’s degree);

What If Nothing Is Listed? 

Any student in a program with a separate admissions process (Ex.: ADN, Surg. Tech.) may be coded into an Associate in General Education preparatory code. As a result, you may see a yellow warning note 

reading “No requirements specified for” this program; In this case, select the View a New Program option and select the student’s chosen program from the drop-down list. 

What If the Student Wants to Change Programs? 

View a New Program is ideal for students who want to switch to a new program. They can see their progress if they switched programs now.

Progress Tab

The Progress screen is divided into two sections: At a Glance and Requirements. At a Glance shows the general overview of a student’s program;

Title: At a glance - Description: A screen shot showing the At A Glance view within the Student Progress screen.

The student’s cumulative and institution GPAs are both listed; The student’s Degree, Majors, and Departments are also listed. A student who is in a University Transfer program, will have either Associate in Arts or Associate in Science on all three lines. Associate in Applied Science students will indicate an Associate in Applied Science Degree with their major listed under Majors and Departments (ex.: Criminal Justice Technology); The student’s Catalog year will also be listed to indicate the relevant plan of study for advising sessions.

The Progress bar is intended to indicate visually the amount of the students’ required program credits are completed. 

Total Credits will indicate the number of credits completed, currently underway, and currently planned out of the total number required by the student’s plan of study. 

Dark Green: These are completed courses. Includes classes completed this semester for which the student already has a grade.

Light Green: These courses are currently in progress. The student is registered for those classes this semester and/or next semester (when applicable).

Yellow: These courses are on the students plan in future semesters.

Title: Student progress (1) - Description: A screen shot showing a single students academic progress view of courses required for their degree.Title: Academic Progress (2) - Description: A second screen shot showing the "other courses" section of an academic progress view.

Each of these sections will list the required classes and the options available to the student to complete the requirements for their chosen credential. The chart will list the course prefix and course number, course title, student’s course grade (if applicable), the semester in which the student took the course (if applicable), and the associated credit hours. Each course will have one of five possible Status indicators: 

  1. Completed: This is a green box with green font and a green checkmark indicating that the student has completed that course with a passing grade. 
  2. In-Progress: This is a green box with green font and a half-filled green circle indicating that the student is currently registered for this course. NOTE: This could refer to classes in the current semester or next semester if the student has already registered. 
  3. Planned: This is a yellow box with yellow font and a yellow checkmark indicating that the student has this course planned for a future semester. 
  4. Not Started: This is a red box with red font and a red exclamation point indicating that the student has not registered for, planned, or completed this course. 
  5. Fulfilled: This is a light blue box with blue font and a blue checkmark indicating that the student did not take that class but has completed some other class that meets that requirement. 

In the Requirements section, there are several additional segments: 

  1. General Education Requirements 
  2. Major Requirements (for AAS students) 
  3. Other Major Requirements (for AAS students) 
  4. Other Requirements (for AAS students) 
  5. Other Required Hours (for AA/AS students) 
  6. Other Courses
    • The “Other Courses” category indicates coursework that isn’t applicable to the currently selected program/major. Occasionally a course that should count toward a program degree is misclassified into the “Other Courses” section. Please contact the Registrar’s office if you feel a course might have been incorrectly classified into “Other courses”.

Course Catalog

The course catalog tab will display an alphabetical list of all curriculum course subjects available at Blue Ridge Community College. Finding the right course section involves two steps:

  • Doing a general searching for the course(s)
  • Filtering the results to narrow down the desired course section

Title: Search for course sections - Description: A screen shot showing the search menu.

You have three ways to search this list: 

  1. You can select a discipline from the list by clicking on it. This will return a list of all courses with that prefix. 
  2. You can type a subject (Ex.: ENG or English) in the Search for a course subject box above the list. This will return a list of disciplines with that prefix or containing those letters in the discipline name (Ex.: English and engineering). 
  3. You can use the Search for Courses box at the top of the screen (Ex.: ENG or ENG-111). This will return a list of disciplines with that prefix or containing those letters in the discipline name (Ex.: English and engineering). NOTE: If you are searching for a specific course, be sure to capitalize the course prefix and use a hyphen between the course prefix and the course number. 

Title: Filter search results - Description: A screen shot showing the filter search results screen.

Narrowing Your Options:

You can filter sections by the following criteria: 

  • Subject: This criterion will already be checked since it was your original search term. 
  • Locations: These options will include only the different locations where those courses are currently being offered. If a class is not offered at OCC, then OCC will not appear on the list.
  • Terms: These options will include the semesters for which there are specific sections listed in the system. If department chairs have not submitted schedules for a future semester yet, then that option will not be listed in the filtering options. 
  • Days of the Week: These options will include only the days on which the classes is currently being offered or scheduled to be offered.
  • Time of Day: This pull-down menu offers you the time ranges (Early Morning, Afternoon, etc.) during which the course is currently available or scheduled to be available.
  • Instructors: This list includes all instructors currently teaching or scheduled to teach sections of a course in that discipline.
  • Academic Levels: Curriculum or Continuing Education
  • Course Levels: This allows you to narrow your results to classes that are developmental education, are covered by the CAA, or apply to other credentials.
  • Course Types: This criterion helps narrow down courses that count toward particular types of credentials (AA, AAS, etc.)
  • Topics: Don’t use this. It is unclear how this criterion is applied at this time.
  • Instruction Type: The only option here is “Not Online”

Selecting a Course:

At this point, you have two options for adding a course to your plan: 

  1. Add Course to Plan – Use this option if you want to add a course to a future semester in a student’s plan. 
  2. Add Section to Schedule – This option will only be available if registration for the semester is currently underway. If sections are available, you will see the option to View Available Sections. 

Note: When adding a course section to a student’s plan, you might see a drop-down menu option for “Graded” or “Not graded”. In general you _always_ want to select “Graded”.


This section allows you to record a note to an advisee or to review existing notes on the advisee’s current academic plan. All notes are visible both by the advisor and student.

Plan Archive

The Plan Archive allows you to view previous plans that an advisor has approved and archived for this student. The archived plans will be listed with the most recent plan at the top. Click on Download PDF to view the archived plan.

Archived plans are stored in the system as a PDF that you can view and save to your desktop. The archived plan presents the planned courses as well as completed and currently enrolled courses. Planned classes will include details about who added them to the plan as well as who approved or denied them and when. Any notes in the student’s record will print on a separate page of the archived plan with the timestamp information.

Test Scores

The Test Scores tab lists scores in three categories: 

  1. Admission Tests: The intent of this field is unclear at this time. 
  2. Placement Tests: These include all placement scores typically found under TSUM in Colleague  (ACCUPLACER) as well as SAT and ACT scores, DMA Backfill information and DMA modules in which the student is currently enrolled. 
  3. Other Tests: This section includes the NCDAP scores for individual DMA module scores.