You will receive an email that looks like this.

It will provide you with your login which is your Blueridge email address

and a 4 digit pin which is your password

Navigate to

Then click on My Dashboard Login

Then enter the credentials provided in the email.

After logging in a screen will be displayed explaining how the library card system works

it looks like this :

This explains how the library system works in Skillsets after you understand press Continue to my dashboard.

Then you will be at the main dashboard it looks like this :

Click Get Library Card Credentials 

Press Confirm

After that you will get an email that looks like this:

It will provide you a user id and password.

Now we navigate back to

Instead of clicking My Dashboard Login you will click Courses Login

You can watch one of the training videos and then click on the logo.


Then login with user id and password that was provided in the email and press Login to Skillport

You will then see this page:

Click on The Library in the top left corner and then you can click on what course you want to take.