Signing a DocuSign document is quick and easy! Please view the simple steps below or watch DocuSign's brief video (approx 4 minutes) that walks you through the steps.

Sign a document with DocuSign - Video

How do I sign a DocuSign document?

When someone sends you a DocuSign document for your electronic signature, you first receive an email from DocuSign sent on behalf of the sender.

  1. Review the DocuSign email: Open the email and review the message from the sender. Click REVIEW DOCUMENT to begin the signing process.
  2. Agree to sign electronically: Review the consumer disclosure, and select the checkbox I agree to use Electronic Records and Signatures. Click CONTINUE to begin the signing process.
    Important! To view and sign the documents, you must agree to conduct business electronically. Note: To view additional options, click OTHER ACTIONS. For more information of other actions available, please review DocuSing's Signing Documentation.

  3. Start the signing process: Click the START tag on the left to begin the signing process. You are taken to the first tag requiring your action. Please complete all fields in the document, then:
    Click the SIGN tag.
    You are asked to Adopt Your Signature.

  4. Verify your name: Verify that your name and initials are correct. If not, change them as needed.

  5. Adopt a signature

  6. Click ADOPT AND SIGN to adopt and save your signature information and return to the document.

  7. Confirm signing: When you finish clicking all signature tags in the document, confirm signing by clicking FINISH. A message appears stating that you have completed your document. You can now download a PDF copy or print a copy of the document. The sender receives an email with the signed document attached, and the signed document appears in their DocuSign account.

  8. Optional - Sign up for a DocuSign account: Sign up for a DocuSign account and save the document in your own account.

Additional Information

Please see DocuSign's Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.